Jan 15, 2024 | Dental Health, Dental Hygiene, Pediatric Dentistry, Teeth Cleaning
Helping your child maintain clean, healthy teeth is important. One of the tools that you’ll need to keep your child’s teeth clean is a good toothbrush. The toothbrush you choose for your child will have an impact on how effective your child’s...
Dec 20, 2023 | Pediatric Dentistry
The holidays are a magical time for children, but they can be a bad time for teeth! Children eat a lot of sweets at this time of year, and that’s not great for your child’s oral hygiene. As your child’s pediatric dentist in Fort Collins, CO, we have...
Nov 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
Has your pediatric dentist in Fort Collins, CO told you your child has a cavity or tooth damage? If so, they might have recommended a filling or a crown. In this case, you will have to decide which one you feel is best for your child. Let’s talk about that for a...
Oct 16, 2023 | Dental Health, Pediatric Dentistry
A toothache can be a scary experience for a child. No doubt you want to relieve your child’s pain if you can. Knowing what to do when your child has a toothache can help you take care of your child and their oral health. As your child’s dentist in Fort...
Sep 15, 2023 | Pediatric Dentistry
Visiting the pediatric dentist in Fort Collins, CO can be an exciting experience for a little one! If you’re a new parent who has never taken heir dentist for the first time, you may have questions about the experience as well. Here’s what to know about...
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